When People Tell You Who They Are – Believe Them!

I don’t usually give you two videos, back to back, but this is good information.  You NEED to know how to spot the people who will bait you into bad situations.  Dr. Phil calls them the Nefarious Fifteen.  Here he is on Oprah’s, Life Class explaining the concept of BAITERS from his book, Life Code.  I gave your older brother a copy of the book to borrow.  It’s got some good info on dealing with these nefarious (difficult individuals). After this segment, a lady gets up and asks about her mean girl friends.  Dr. Phil and Oprah coach her into some important revelations.

I can honestly say I do not have many of these people in my life anymore.  If I do, I work with them and do not have to deal with them very much.  I’ve learned to listen to what people tell me AND to watch if their actions are consistent with what they say.

You DESERVE people in your life who are kind to you.  The ONLY way that will happen is if you take nothing less then that respect.  I know some things you cannot control.  I’ve been there too.  Years ago, I worked with a teacher that was such a controlling you know what!  I had to work with her for about five years.  UGH!  I know how this feels.  But you do deserve love, kindness, consideration and respect.  Be your own best friend.  Stay away from people that BAIT you into situations that are hurtful.  A happy life is possible.  It can’t be happy EVERY second of the day – that’s unrealistic.  But overall, a happy life IS possible.  Love and peace are possible.  I promise you.  🙂