What’s Next?

Buy Valium 20Mg Online Uk I’m thinking my next little project will be introducing my friends and family to the new house.  Grandma has seen it, of course.  But few others have.  I’m thinking of throwing a few housewarming parties. If I do, I can register for gifts at certain department stores so, folks can help me fill up some of this empty space.  I’m having a tea party in a few weeks for Grandma and her friends, but I’d like to get a nicer teapot, cups, saucers, etc… What do you think?


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click Remember our tea parties?  Purity loved tea, but Bea preferred pink lemonade.  I have a picture of you both at one of our tea parties on my fridge.  You are both wearing hot pink feather boas.  Bea has a purple straw hat on and Purity (whose hair I braided into two loops has on a white straw hat.  It was taken August 2005.  So Purity is about eight and Bea is about five.


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https://www.thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com/2024/09/18/ucc7v4tu What big, beautiful smiles you had.  I hope you are finding lots of occasions to smile.  In the meantime, remember that your big sister loves you.  I’m so glad we had that time together when you were young.  No one can take those memories from us.  And I hope someday to have another tea party with you.  I hope for many more to come.  Xxoo

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