Happy Girl Sketches

I think Audrey Hepburn said it best:

Happy Girls

You don’t need make up to be pretty.  You both are SO beautiful.  And if you wanna know the truth, boys don’t care for too much make up on a gal.  Make up is more for other girls – think of it like war paint.  Not that we are at war with other women.  Quite the contrary.  But you know, there are these women out there that think everything is a battle.  But, being happy also deals with these ladies too.  Mostly, they are not happy with themselves, so they pick on others hoping to hide the fact from the world.  These are the two beautiful happy girls I see when I think of you both:

Katie HappyBrittany Happy

Yes, I find good sketches.  I think Purity is nailed!  Bea’s pic isn’t perfect, but I hope the joy on her face is something you both have everyday.  If you’ve lost your way, here’s the formula to get you back on track.  It doesn’t matter what others do or think…just what YOU do or think.

Happiness Model