Christmas in July

I drove up to Big Bear today.  I needed to adopt Stevie, the little blind bush rabbit that lives in the Big Bear Zoo.  He’s very cute.  Every year, I give the zoo $25 to feed and take care of Stevie’s needs. Somehow, Stevie lost both of his eyes.  They are both gouged out.  Unlike the bush bunny in this picture:

bush rabbit

Last year, I took Stevie some chew toys so he’d have something to do in his cage.  This year, I wanted to be sure he was still alive before I sent him toys. Rabbits don’t live forever: about 8 years. It will be Christmas in July for Stevie!  I adopted in him in honor of you both.  I put your names on the application to adopt him.  Don’t worry, nothing will come to the house.  I just figured, since I can only do so much for you both right now, I’d help someone else.

I also went to rehearsal tonight.  The show is looking better and better.  There’s one scene where our characters have to pretend it’s Christmas.  In the play, there is a Christmas tree decorated with hair curlers, pins and barrettes.  It was suggested that we actresses have a fun night where we all bring over glue guns and make the “hair thing Christmas decorations.”  We are calling the party “Christmas in July.”

It does seem like I’m always going off to a party, doesn’t it?!  It’s NOT all like that.  There are lots of quiet days too.  I’m just trying to keep busy.  I know you are too.  It makes the days go faster. While we are waiting, let’s listen to Ms. Taylor Swift and her rendition of “Christmas Must Be Something More.”