Birthday Bashing with You- Part 1

“What’s that flashing light in the driveway?” Bea rose out of her bed.

“I don’t know.  I was sleeping, Bea.  Until you woke me up.” Purity groaned.  But then she noticed the front yard of their home was flooded with a lot more light than usual.  “Hey, what’s out there?”  Purity jumped out of bed and peeked through the window.  A very familiar car was sitting in the driveway.  It was their oldest sister’s car. Prudy was sitting in her car waiting for something.

“We can’t go with her.” Bea started to sniffle.  A tear ran down her face.

“Of course you can sweetheart,” Prudy stood right next to her now, her hand on Bea’s shoulder.  Then, Prudy’s hand lifted to her youngest sister’s cheek and she wiped the tear away.  “This is a dream.” In reality, you are still sound asleep in your beds, look.”

Purity and Bea looked back at their beds.  Sure enough, another Purity and Bea were laying there, fast asleep.  Both had big smiles on their faces, though.

“It’s good to see you again so soon, Prudy.” Purity put her arms around her big sister.  Bea followed suit and they stood there in the girls’ bedroom holding each other for many minutes.

“So, where are we going tonight, Prudy?” Purity asked.

“I thought magic takes a lot out of you?” inquired Bea.

“It’s my birthday!  Magic quadruples on your birthday.”

“We wish we could treat you out on your birthday,” exclaimed Bea.  She started to look sad again.

“Hey, no sad faces.  We only have a few hours.  We’re making lemonade out of lemons here, right?!”

“Right!” Both girls say in unison.

“Let’s go!”
