Still Dreaming of Sweet Bea

Dearest Bea, I had a dream about you last night.  I dreamt you were alone so they (not sure who they are) put you in an orphanage.  I was in this weird contraption that levitated several feet off the ground with one of my favorite actors.  Handsome isn’t he?

He took me to see you in the orphanage.  They told you that your mom was there to see you.  You were not happy about this.  Then I corrected the woman and I came in.  You were so tall, Bea.  But in the next moment, you were like seven years old.  You came running up to see me.  We hugged for such a long time.  Ugh!  It felt so good to hold you.  I just love your hugs! Thinking of that hug made my day!  What a “Bright Sunshiny Day” you gave me.  Thank you Sweet Bea.  ?❤️☺️

Love to the Eiffel Tower and Back,

Prudence Scattergoode Xxoo