Poet of Self Love

I’m feeling very poetical lately.  And since folks are “crushin” on our website, I thought I might take advantage of the fact to share a little poetry.  Not TOO much.  In fact, I think poetry is best in small chunks.  The best “small chunks” poet I know is E.E. Cummings.  This is one of his prettier quotes…

EECummingsFind in the Sea

I like the rhyme in this poem: you, me, sea.

The words in this poem have a lot of long E sounds (we, sea, me).  The ocean sounds like this sometimes.  Listen, can you hear EEEEEEEEEEE?

Imagery is when a writer makes you “see” a place in your mind. I can REALLY see the beach in the poem below.  The beach can be a lonely place.  We’ve all felt lost at some point.  Its very universal.  And we all hope to be found. The ocean with its vast beaches, flying seagulls and miles of sparkling sand seems a natural setting to “find oneself.”

I think the purpose of this poem is to remind us that we are NOT alone.  We all feel lost sometimes.  We all want to be found.  Its a very human desire to find out more about ourselves.

Here’s the poem in it’s entirety.  I love the way E.E. Cummings plays with words. They are like toys to him.  I can see four sisters playing on the beach as I read this poem:


The artist of this poem/drawing brings the poem to life.  The narrator is telling a story of four (other) people and their day at the beach.  What a beautiful day.  I need to have one of THOSE days soon!  I miss you, sweet sisters.  Remember when I took you to the beach?  XXOO