News of Big Bro

I had a nice long talk with big brother today.  He is doing so well.  He’s going for his commercial license so he can drive city buses.

He’s very proud of how he’s taking care of himself and getting his finances straight.  He’s even talking about going back to college and going for a business degree.  Wouldn’t THAT be something?! He didn’t need anything – he just wanted to talk.

We text every few weeks or more if he is feeling blue.  I keep an eye on him.  I call him St. Kristoher because he reminds me of a saint called Christopher.  The story of St. Christopher is a special story…


Once upon a time, there was a man named Christoher who helped people cross a very dangerous and deep river.  He would carry people across the river on his shoulders.  One day, the Christ child came along and needed to be carried across the river.  As the child climbed onto Christopher’s back, Christopher felt the tremendous weight of all the sins of ALL the people of the world.  Yet, Christopher, in his infinite strength, carried the child across the river.  From that time on, we was known as a person with both great physical and spiritual strength.

Today, people wear the medal of St. Christopher when they need great spiritual strength.  The medal looks like this:


Yes, I gave your brother one.  It’s me, remember?!  Good story huh?!  Your big brother rocks!