Ever Feel Foolish and Stupid?

enter site Some good comes out of every “bad” thing that happens to you.  I firmly believe this. I know one can become tired of feeling foolish and stupid.  Especially if someone else if forcing that feeling.  But remember, you have control of something very powerful – your mind.  And the more someone else tries to control you, you must have BETTER control of your mind.  Besides, it will drive them BONKERS!


go to site And you know what, abusers do us one favor: we do get used to feeling foolish and stupid, to a degree.  That can be good IF we use that comfort to our advantage.  We are not afraid of failing (because we do it so often) that we go out into life and try this and we try that.  Yes, we fail sometimes, but that’s ok.  We are ok with failing.  We remember that Thomas Edison failed THOUSANDS of times before he invented the electric light bulb.  We remember the wise words of the Greek Philosopher, Epictetus…


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