The Best Therapy These Days…

Some people say the best therapy is to sit with someone you trust and tell them how you’re feeling. I’m not going to tell you that doesn’t help, sometimes.

But, there are times that it is best to be silent. When speaking means you’ll hurt people you love, keep your mouth shut.  I know how badly you might want the truth to come out.  And it will come out, eventually.  There WILL be a time to speak.  But now just isn’t the best time.

With this in mind, please understand, sweet sisters, why I DONT come visit you.  I don’t want my words/actions to hurt you in any other ways.

It’s not that I don’t miss you.  I think about driving through your front door on a nightly basis. And I have such a desire for Stater Brother’s Deli Coleslaw. ?

But I’m just going to keep away until I know where your heads/hearts are.  Watching you walk away from me would be gut wrenching.  And when I get my arms around you again, be prepared for a VERY LONG HUG.

In the meantime, try the therapy that your big bro and I used when we were your age.  It’s pretty affective.

This song always raises my spirits. It’s about happy days walking in “fields of gold” with a person you love.  Days like this will come – again.  And they will be just like this as long as you allow yourself to be open to them.  Don’t get too cynical, sweet sisters.  You deserve a love like this. We all do.  Drive and listen.  ❤️