Tea Party in the Moonlight

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https://someawesomeminecraft.com/2024/05/13/w1pnx0wn5s4 Two tall girls walk hand in hand down a dark path.  Then all of a sudden, the path floods with moonlight…

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source url “Ugh!  I know!  But I have you in my arms now.  No one gets into this world without my consent.  I built this beautiful place for us.

https://aguasamazonicas.org/w9o6q9xn91 As they look around at the moonlit garden they are in, they can smell the lilacs blooming.  Their purple buds bursting in streams of violet and indigo.  They can hear doves hooting good night in the distance.

https://templedavid.org/symons/wkq3bj68w17 “Let’s go have some tea,” sighs Prudence as she takes each girl by the hand and they walk over to a nearby table that has been set.  The tree next to the table is filled with soft white twinkling lights.  And there are several chairs they can choose to sit in. They each sit down on the comfy couch on the far end of the table, one on either side of their oldest sister.

https://aaerj.org.br/2024/05/13/w696aljg8 “We’re going to have a tea party out here in the moonlight?” asks Purity.

https://annmorrislighting.com/q9l2d4yg “But I don’t like tea,” says Beatrice.

watch “Did you think I’d forget that?” questions Prudence.  “I got you a strawberry orange smoothie.”  Beatrice smiles.  “And for Purity and I, we have hot tea with lots of sugar.  For all of us, we have scones with cream and strawberry jam and raspberry tarts.  I wouldn’t think of having a tea party for my girls without dessert.

see For the next hour, they giggle and tell stories of this and that.  They hold onto their big sister whenever they have a chance.  She, in turn, hugs each girl with such warmth and love. They don’t want to think about when their party will end.

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