Bad/Good News…

follow site For three days, I looked for it.  I turned over EVERY scrap of paper in my house.  In the process, I organized my files, my garage and my walk in closet.  But…no passport.

Buy Alprazolam Cheap Online You cannot travel internationally without it.  I’m not going to tell you that I’m not disappointed.  I am very sorry about it.  The last time I saw my passport (with all those travel stamps I got from Ireland, Scotland, England and France), it was in my apartment.  Every OTHER piece of paper made it to the house.  This is why I do not throw things away!  I have 30,000 emails in my personal mail.  I just don’t know what happened to it, but it’s not in that very comfortable very blessed house.


here So, what does a gal do?  She pulls her big girl panties up and makes the best of a “not so great situation.” I was going on a Mexican cruise.  So now, I’m traveling through our great state enjoying all its Mexican influences.

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watch My first stop is the historic Mission Inn in Riverside, Ca.  This is a four star resort complete with pool, spa and great Mexican architecture.  This hotel is 112 years old and has played host to many amazing folks (including – yours truly – the Sketchy Scribe).  This place is GORGEOUS!  Check it out! I’m determined to keep the good vibes coming your way.  No matter WHAT happens.  More after the video.

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source link I’m sitting in the Presidential Lounge right now.  I told the waitress what happened and she has given me a free tequila.  Ole’ ! I’m staying in a beautiful room overlooking the pool.  Not bad, considering and very reasonably priced.  I think I’ll call Grandma and tell her what happened in a bit. Ugh!  I’m not excited to hear how she’ll worry.  If Grandpa in “a pain in the neck,” Grandma can be a pain in the butt.  She worries too much!  Yes, I can afford it!

click here Then, I’ll go out to the pool and do ABSOLUTELY nothing! Later, I’ll have dinner at the Mexican Cantina and go to bed early.  I’ve gotten up at 4am the last two days in the hopes that I’d find the damn thing.  I’m exhausted!  You know you are old when going to bed early is such a treat!  See what you have to look forward to?! Enjoy being young!  You have your whole life ahead of you.