Crocheting My Way to Resurrection

follow site SONY DSC Today in Sunday School, my students and I learned about the women weavers of the Tabernacle.  I thought it would be fun if we could try weaving yarn with some crochet.  I had tried as a kid and was intensely frustrated with the results.  But today, my hands, once they got a hang of the stitch, flew along.  I can crochet!!! Ok, I can create a chain stitch, but that is the first step.


source link I guess it goes to show you, things change.  In fact, its the ONE thing you can count on.  I never thought I’d like brussel sprouts (steamed organic are heaven) and I never thought I could crochet.

Buy Xanax Bar My students, like myself at their age (10 and 11 respectively) struggled.  But I encouraged them to try again later.  Next week we might try weaving on a long loom. The holy Passover holiday is coming up soon so, it’s getting time for spring cleaning and to prepare for Easter and Jesus’ resurrection. Of course Easter is a Christian holiday.  Passover is celebrated by Jews the world over.

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follow I think I’ll use my new found skill to meditate on things in nature coming back to life.  It will soon be time to plant my herb garden.  I’ll need some fresh organic parsley for the Seder.  Some Christians enjoy creating the Festival of Passover in their own homes. What better way to relive those final days of the life of Jesus?!  You can do it too!  Ill blog how when we get closer to the time. : )