Happy Last Day of School!

https://annmorrislighting.com/37ossxwy I don’t know if I’m right about this, but it will apply today or within the next few weeks. So just replay the music on the real last day of school. Our last day is next Friday.

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https://discovershareinspire.com/2024/05/dt3bo4uv My day was productive.  The kids were learning about static electricity so we were rubbing balloons against our hair to create an electric charge.  We also made little pieces of paper dance on the desks.

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watch That was fun. Next, I stayed after school to help the choir director with her last rehearsal.

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go Then, I came home and worked on my housewarming gift registry.  If you are curious what goodies I’m asking for, I’m registered at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Be sure to click on the right person.  There are a lot of Prudence Scattergoodes out there, it seems.  I’m the only one having a housewarming though.  You’ll need to type in my full name: the queen version. ☺️


https://aaerj.org.br/2024/05/13/ip7bggyb So have a great last day.  Write sweet things in people’s yearbooks.  Hug all your friends.  Get their phone numbers written down in a place away from your phone.  Phones are great, but if you don’t have them, how do you know your friends numbers? Plus, it’s just a good idea.


https://restoreredspruce.org/2024/05/13/u2os5f1 At the end of the day, here is your “peel out of the parking lot, going on summer vacation music.”  Enjoy!  I love you both so much!


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