Mental Health Month: PTSD PTSD

enter site Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs when something really horrible happened to you. Perhaps you were in a war zone and you saw your best friend get her face blown off.  Perhaps you were raped.  Perhaps something happened in your world that makes it feel like life will never be the same again.  If so, you may be experiencing PTSD.  It can occur under any condition that severely stresses the mind.  Many people associate this condition with war time situations.  However these days, when “wars” can take place in the most mundane situations – it can take hold and make life very hard to navigate. Here are some of the symptoms of PTSD. signs-and-symptoms-of-ptsd

follow url Whether you or someone close to you is struggling with this mental illness, it’s good to be aware of the symptoms.  If you know someone struggling with PTSD, please encourage them to go to a counselor and seek help.

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