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here Take good care of yourself: try to drink lots of water ( I have to drink a gallon a day), try to get lots of sleep, take an extra few minutes in the shower and give yourself a quick massage.  Exercise as much as you can stand it: I feel SO much stronger than I did two weeks ago.  My push ups are lower, I’m holding a full body plank now.  All those little victories add up.  Learning to take care of yourself (versus other people doing it) makes you more self sufficient.


https://restoreredspruce.org/2024/05/13/8s0ze0f Some people want you to feel weak.  Then, they don’t feel so weak around you.  Don’t let them tear you down.  YOU must keep yourself going!  This is another life skill you are learning early.  I’m at the doctor right now with that muscle tear.  You gotta put yourself first.  Do it in your mind, the rest will follow.


https://grannysglasses.com/?p=zz12fep So many people think you SHINE.  And just in case you feel that spark diminishing, here’s Owl City to help remind you how to get your shine back up to speed.




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