My Transformation Has Begun I weighed in at my gym this morning and had my nutrition training.  I’m afraid you are going to hear me complain about being in A LOT of pain for the next several weeks. With signs like this plastered all over the place, you will understand why I say this.

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follow site You know I’ve tried to get my weight under control by not eating sugar and exercising. The fact is that I just don’t know what the !@#$%^& I’m doing!  I need help with this.  So I paid the money and I’m going to work out at this gym 5 days a week.  Weekends will be for resting, taking epsom salt baths and LOTS of Advil.

follow link And the diet: protein, carbs, veggies.  We have to eat every 2-3 hours but the same things, for the most part.  We’ll learn how to make tacos out of oatmeal and other EXTREMELY healthy recipes.  🙂 Apparently, they taste pretty good.

source link I also spend a few hundred dollars on supplements: protein shakes, glucosamine, detox powder.  I wouldn’t do all this if I didn’t believe in what I was doing.  Several of my Facebook friends who had lots of weight to lose have done so on this program.  I’m beginning to feel like the last woman over a size 14.  Look at this transformation:

watch Kimberly-Transformation-StrongHealthyWoman Yes, it is time to get this checked off my list. I’ve done Europe, I’ve rented my house, I’ve started writing daily, now I need to do THIS!  I need to for health reasons. You both need me to be healthy LONG into your lives – right!?  Gotta make up for lost time with my girlies.  It is time.  Wish me luck!
