I Still Believe in Santa Claus!

https://annmorrislighting.com/sh2bcw9 Ok, I’m sure I’m not going to destroy you now by telling you that Santa Claus – the one who lives at the North Pole and passes out toys to all the kids in the entire world – he does not exist.  I’ll be honest with you.  We kept that “lie” going because we (the parents, the grand parents, aunts, uncles, older brothers and sisters, etc..) wanted you to believe in magic when you were young.  But I DO believe in Santa.  I believe in “him” because I know your grandparents and the parents have spent countless hours putting things, like bikes, together late on Christmas Eve.  I believe in Santa because when I was young, a very sweet neighbor stopped by my house all dressed like Santa, just so he could give me a thrill.  I believe in Santa because I was able, through the help of many kind and able people, to create and maintain this website so that we could connect with each other. No, he’s not an actual person.  But “he” is a good spirit that is kind and giving during this festive season.  Yes, I believe in the spirit of Santa and I try to help perpetuate his loving soul wherever and whenever I can.  Merry Christmas, sweet sisters!  Xxoo Prudence.


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