Autumn Forest Ride

source link I’m so glad it’s fall break!  I needed to take some time for myself.  My schedule these days is unrelenting.  I get up around 5am to work each morning, then off the school.  Monday nights, it’s Hebrew School.  Tuesday and Thursday’s, Drama Club.  Wednesday : Staff Meeting.  Friday’s I go home and clean for the Sabbath.  Some Friday’s, like this one, I’m so exhausted, it’s all I can do to take the trash out and clean the kitty box. Ugh! But I don’t want to bore you with my “I’m so old and tired” talk.  I’m looking forward to getting up tomorrow and going shopping for stuff for the house. Maybe I’ll even find a few minutes this next week to go for a ride on horseback in a nearby forest.  I live closer to the river now and the horseback riding there is a great way to clear your head and enjoy nature.  The trees smell so fresh.  It makes you feel so alive!  I’m sure I’ll get a little saddle sore, but it will be worth it!  Come with me on a ride through an autumn forest, sweet girlies.  Your horse is standing by!

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