Do Not Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Dearest Purity, I heard about your golden escort getting into an accident.  I’m so sorry.  That sucks!  But I seem to remember you saying you wanted a certain blue Honda.  If you do not get another car, it is yours – when you are eighteen.  I will give it to you outright. Just promise me you will drive carefully and no faster than your guardian angel.   I will own the car myself in a few months and will keep driving it until you tell me what you want to do.  If you don’t want it/need it I can easily trade it in and use the money as a down payment on another vehicle. Or you can sell the car and have the money to buy a newer one or use money for school.  I cannot give it to you sooner because I’m not wanting to cause any more harsh feelings with the parents.  You must be a legal adult to claim it.  But I consider it YOUR car that I am presently driving.  🙂 Bea, I’ll work out something for you too, if you need it.  Chin up my sweethearts.  Life is getting better.


go here Love, Prudence XXOO


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