You’re a Survivor

Today was a good day.  The past few weeks have been rough though.  Losing someone you love is very hard.  There are days when you wonder if you’ll ever smile again.  And then, something makes you smile.

Drama Club made me smile.  It started up again.  The kids are so excited AND so serious about the process now.  We are doing Folktales from Around the World: Africa, Japan and Israel.  It should be fun.  So tonight, I need to cast the play with the new kids wanting to be actors.   There are three plays so there are lots of speaking parts.

I also heard from big brother.  I sent him a Valentine card.  He’s good but really busy working.  He sends you his love.

I saw this quote several months back and saved it.  I somehow feel that today is a good day to share it.

We all have bad days, weeks, months.  When you get older, it can seem like years.  But you have survived this far and you WILL keep going!  Don’t give up.  I believe in you.  And I love you both so very much.  🙂
