You Are Special by Max Lucado

Dearest Bea,

I know you are growing up fast, but you should hear this short story (8 mins).  I read it every year to my kids.  There are times when we all feel like people are judging us and “giving us dots.” But then other people come along and it doesn’t seem to matter to them what people say: nothing bothers them.  Why? Where do they get such strength?  The secret is in the story.  There is only one being whose opinion you should really care about.  He wants the best for you and from you.  The Creator wants you to know that you are special. If you know deep down how special you are to God, someone else’s opinion (or lack of opinion) doesn’t matter much.  Enjoy!

Love to the Eiffel Tower a Zillion Times and Back,

Prudence XXOO