Words From a Fairy Godmother

Fairy Godmother

The Magic of Suffering

“Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” The King James Bible

The ability to suffer is a life skill. Because we all suffer at some point in our lives: sickness, debt, anger, sadness, depression… there is no end to suffering on Earth.

But, as I’ve learned recently, it’s not that we have to endure suffering, but HOW we endure it that matters.

If you can find “the light in the darkest of times” you are in tune with the magic of suffering.

If you can be grateful for little things like the sunlight or the hug of a special someone, you are in tune with the magic of suffering.

If you can believe that things will turn around, and that this cloud has a silver lining, then you are in tune with the magic of suffering.

I’m not saying it makes you more holy to suffer.

I’m saying you are more holy because you suffer with grace and dignity.

Think about that, sweet one.

Even Cinderella had to leave her golden slipper behind and go back to the dark reality of her life.

And sometimes the handsome prince doesn’t come to save you.

Sometimes, you have to let YOUR grace and dignity – save you.