Book: The Red Tent

Here’s a book I intend to get very soon: The Red Tent.  Some of the women of my temple were talking about it so I rented the movie.  Books are always better than the movie and the movie was amazing.  It’s about a girl named Dinah.  She lives in a red tent with her mother and her aunts in ancient Israel.  She is the only daughter of the patriarch Jacob, in the Bible.  I love biblical fiction like this…makes the characters of the bible come to life – even if the stories aren’t true.  Dinah’s family is pulled apart by fear and envy.  She ends up on a long journey to Egypt.  She endures incredible hardship.  But the story ends happy – family forgives and is reunited.  I promise you’ll enjoy the story.  Sometimes stories can remind you that there is hope.  One day, the people you love will be returned to you.  You’ll walk down some steps, look around and (bam!) they’ll be there.  I cannot wait for this day, sweet sisters.  In the meantime, come into the red tent (our website) and keep listening to stories of love and light.  🙂 Have a beautiful day!